The Relationship Centre

Marriage Counseling

We all want the same thing – to feel love and happiness in our marriage.

And yet, if you and your spouse are constantly fighting or feel more like strangers than partners, it’s time to get reconnected. It is possible.

Is Your Marriage in Trouble?

When negative patterns and behaviour persist, it's easy to feel alone, angry, hurt, frustrated, rejected, and unloved.

There is hope... even if you believe you are out of options.

Get Your Marriage Back on Track

At the Relationship Centre, we use an approach called Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).

This is a marriage therapy and counselling modality developed to help couples in distress.

EFT is recognized as one of the most successful approaches to couple therapy with recovery rates between 70-75% and improvement rates of 90%. We know firsthand it works, we see it everyday in our sessions.

Get Emotionally Connected in your Marriage

Rebuild Trust

Repair damage from past hurts, betrayals or disappointments.

Regain Acceptance

Become more understanding and enjoy each other again.

Reduce Conflict

Improve communication and learn to get unstuck in conflict.

Ready to Improve Your Marriage?

Whether in person or virtual — You and your partner could be 90% happier with the right marriage therapy.

Many couples wait too long to seek help. Don’t wait.