The Relationship Centre

Every couple has issues – even if their life looks perfect from the outside.  Of course, the honeymoon phase of most relationships

Covid fatigue is real and it can look like depression. As a second State of Emergency was recently declared in Ontario, many

It is even possible to find relief from COVID-19 Fatigue? The answer is YES. And here is a simple guide for you

Traditionally each year one word is chosen to sum up the shared experiences of the year. Collins Dictionary chose lockdown – defined

2020 was a hard year. Many people are relieved to see it come to an end. As we begin a new year,

New Year’s resolutions are tricky business. They are obligations we put on ourselves to behave. And research shows they are not effective. By

This will be a unique holiday season. Navigating the holidays during a pandemic creates a challenge we have never faced. You may

Hope is an emotional state that promotes the belief in a positive outcome. Clearly, we need hope, especially in our current world. Can

We are a nation of tired people. Many adults suffer from some type of sleep problem – too little sleep, broken sleep